Thursday 9 August 2012

Week One: What is Globalisation?

"Globalisation sparks conflict" (Nederveen-Pieterse, 2004 pp7). No other sentence I've read so far on Globalisation says so little, but so much at the same time. And I'll tell you why.

Globalisation is not something that can be easily defined, it takes in a lot of different factors and events which as a whole create it. There are many variables in Globalisation, but controversy seems ever present.

As technology grows and develops, so does Globalisation. Technology is allowing people in countries all around the world to communicate in the blink of an eye, and the coming together and understanding each others cultures and social values and the religious aspects that make up a society in a far off country is a big part of what is known as Globalisation. 

As understanding one another's cultures occurs, confusion and racism can and does occur too. What is it about not being able to grasp someone's beliefs and that they differ so heavily to yours that those people should become the victim of ridicule and isolation?

This coming together of cultures hasn't happened over night, and the thought of one day having trade agreements where no one country holds power over another is a pleasing thought, but as we stand today, an unrealistic thought.

Globalisation isn't an easy thing to grasp, and the cultural boundaries are only one piece to the puzzle, and trust me, as this blog and the unit continues, there will be many a piece still to come.

 Nederveen Pieterse, J 2004, ‘Globalization: consensus and controversies’, Globalization and culture: global mélange, Rowan & Littlefield, Lanham, Md., pp. 7–21

1 comment:

  1. Great work outlining how complex globalisation is and the negatives that many be associated with it. Neverdeen Pieterse's quote you mentioned initially is a great though provoking phrase and I'm sure we will be exploring it further in weeks to come. I particularly like your focus on technology and new media, which I agree is a pivotal part within globalisation. You might have done better to include a little more focus on physical flows etc which might have helped to show us more of your opinion of what globalisation is in relation to other aspects, not just cultural. Good work Jake!
