Thursday 9 August 2012

Week Three: My Media Empire - what would your global media empire look like, how would it function?

My media empire, what a world that would be.

If you are familiar with my blogs, you know I love sport, and the reporting of sport and all forms of sports broadcasting and hope to one day work in this field. So for a change, I think I'll make my Media Empire all about me monopolizing Australian TV sport.

And I know what you're saying, 'Jake, you can't give people live coverage of more sport than they can handle, its just not possible!' Ha. Watch me.

My ideal sports media enterprise would not be one of total control and power, its been proved with the News of the World cases, that one big rich guy at the top of many different media outlets at the top of newspapers at the top of journalists doesn't work, and then the big boss cops the whack for snakes in the grass that work for him. (In my opinion).

Its too much, if the lines get blurred of what is the aim of a media outlet, trouble brews, so: My Media Empire will be all about the Sport, talking sport, live broadcasts and viewer interactions.

Technology today is expanding and its potential is almost unimaginable, to give viewers the choice of what they want, when they want it, would be amazing. Tough, but amazing.

Imagine a world where you can be watching a live soccer game from England, and then flip channels to the cricket in West Indies, all whilst having a beer in your loungeroom. Whilst this is possible now to a certain extent, it costs money, money that many don't have, I don't like making people pay for live sport, it should be a right, not a privilege.

Ahh, a boy can dream, right?

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